The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is undertaking activities to develop an effective and feasible approach for using all-payer claims databases to advance the goal of improving health care affordability, efficiency, and cost transparency.
All-payer claims databases (APCDs) are large State databases that include medical claims, pharmacy claims, dental claims, and eligibility and provider files collected from private and public payers. i
APCD data are reported directly by insurers to States, usually as part of a State mandate. In terms of their capacity to produce price, resource use, and quality information for consumers, APCD data have three potential advantages over other datasets:
There is national and local momentum to establish and implement APCDs. To date, 18 States have legislation mandating the creation and use of APCDs or are actively establishing APCDs, and more than 30 States maintain, are developing, or have a strong interest in developing an APCD. These efforts vary, with a handful of States, such as New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts, using APCD data to launch public Web sites with price and cost information for consumers while other States are not as far along in the process. ii
AHRQ is undertaking activities to develop an effective and feasible approach for using APCDs to advance the goal of improving health care affordability, efficiency, and cost transparency. The project was undertaken to advance the use of APCD data for transparency efforts within and among States. For States to use their APCD data to compare price and performance of providers within their States and across States, measures for use with these data need to be developed and refined, and the data themselves need to be standardized.
A first step toward developing and refining measures for use with APCD data is the development of an inventory of price, utilization, and potentially, quality and episode of care measures. This project builds on previous work funded by AHRQ in November 2011 through a small conference grant, "Expanding and Enhancing All-Payer Claims Database System Capacity in States." A conference report is available online.
The specific objectives of this project were to:
i Go to The Basics of All-Payer Claims Databases: A Primer for States.
ii Go to The Basics of All-Payer Claims Databases; APCD Council Interactive State Report Map; CompareMaine; Massachusetts' Center for Health Information and Analysis site; and Realizing the Potential of APCDs: Creating the Reporting Plan.